Sunday, August 13, 2006


Frauda Sntr-Parerea 'Marelui Licurici'

Marele Licurici a batut palma cu Putin, Presedintele G8 impotriva Kleptocratilor:

Press Statement
Office of the Press Secretary
The White House, Washington, DC
August 10, 2006

Statement by the President on Kleptocracy
For too long, the culture of corruption has undercut development and good governance and bred criminality and mistrust around the world. High-level corruption by senior government officials, or kleptocracy, is a grave and corrosive abuse of power and represents the most invidious type of public corruption. It threatens our national interest and violates our values. It impedes our efforts to promote freedom and democracy, end poverty, and combat international crime and terrorism. Kleptocracy is an obstacle to democratic progress, undermines faith in government institutions, and steals prosperity from the people. Promoting transparent, accountable governance is a critical component of our freedom agenda.

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